The education of Black male students is the most important and urgent matter facing our community.

Our Mission & Vision

Mission. To bring awareness to, and education on, the need of systemic changes in the educational system and increased exposure to successful Black leaders, to result in the progression of excellence and equity for all Black students at the secondary and post secondary levels of education.

Vision. All Black students will graduate with a traditional high school diploma, be exceptionally prepared cognitively, emotionally and socially for transition to and through college or work in their desired industry while becoming a productive young citizen of society.

Our Administrative Team

Hobson & Street Business Associates

Dr. Shyrell Hobson, Ed.D, CAA has worked across the globe helping create programs to help increase matriculation, and also coaching individuals to athletic, academic and life success through a resilience focused approach.

Mr. Brian A. Street, MSW has worked internationally creating mentoring programs and businesses focused on helping clients who suffer from past traumatic events and have shown them new potentials for their life using his cognitive-behavioral approach.

From student mentoring to staff leadership, Dr. Hobson and Mr. Street is your team for culturally relevant growth and development across the spectrum of academics and life. No longer allow your students to fall through the cracks of society.

The Problem we Solve & The Audience we Serve

From personal experiences along with numerous years of graduate study including masters and doctorate education, our knowledge and ongoing research show that Black males’ early exodus from the educational setting plays a major factor in the Black community’s inability for true upward mobility in all facets of society. Therefore, we focus on addressing the problems of low retention, low graduation and low job satisfaction after college. The primary group that we work with is the Black male, starting with his junior year in high school and having no definite end.

Representation Matters

Our findings have shown that many programs are too broad in their design and provide a one-size-fits-all approach. Data from our research shows that this design does not create cultural consciousness and relatability. This hinders the young Black male student from truly understanding his individuality and value in the society.

HSBA Mentoring and Leadership program focuses on providing tools that assist the young Black male student on how to embrace their true identities, discover the future they desire, and how to build the proper network continue leading a life of self-defined happiness and success.

HSBA Mentoring & Leadership Program

Our flagship program offers a multi-dimensional approach to mentoring and leadership development where we work with students from junior year in high school through graduation of college and beyond by connecting them with our ever expanding network of endless opportunities for career and life growth. Our college unit is broken down into 4 phase which focus on each academic year and the growth the student should be experiencing during that phase of college.

HSBA Leadership Workshops

Just as aforementioned, HSBA provides leadership trainings for influencers in the academic space to improve relationship with students and in turn increase retention & graduation rates. These trainings will be provided to influencers in the lives of juniors and seniors in high school and will span through those in the lives of all are target students in college.

HSBA Internship Opportunities

Our internship opportunities focus on entrepreneurship development and financial education, with an option to also be connected with an employer within our extensive network. Our 4 phase approach will help identify potential future endeavors prior to them arriving at this stage.

Reach out.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to further inquire about our services.

Thank You for Dropping in.

Brian A. Street, MSW and
Dr. Shyrell N. Hobson, Ed.D, CAA
| Co-founders of Hobson & Street Business Associates (HSBA).

Thank you for visiting our page and please do not leave without taking some value with you, whether it’s simply from combing through out website content, or you begin a working relationship with you.

Also, be sure to also check out our weekly Live Podcast Show.

The B.L.A.C.K. Podcast 

The purpose and focus of The B.L.A.C.K. Podcast is a to bring awareness and real stories in hope to positively alter the mindsets and life trajectories of listeners across all intersections of society.

To date, we’ve featured guests in the link of Jeff Johnson of BET’s Mancave and more, as well as multiple Olympians including Lauryn Williams, (the first American woman to medal in both the summer and winter olympic games.

We currently run in live show format but will soon be converting to the common podcast platforms. 

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Check us out below on The B.L.A.C.K. Podcast.

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